Visitors had a chance to taste the Taş Değirmen Olive Oil products at the Cooperative's stand at the Europe Day event held on the 21st of May, 2022 in northern part of Nicosia, Cyprus. Beneficiaries of the European Union funded "Competitive Enterprises, Clusters and Business Support Organisations" Grant Programme displayed their products at the EU Day Events held in Famagusta and Nicosia. Visitors had the opportunity to taste and observe upclose, Taş Değirmen Olive Oil products, as EZKOOP's member, Büyükkonuk Olive Coop has been awarded with a grant in which new equipment, quality

certification and marketing services were procured with the support of the European Union.
The Taş Değirmen stand was visited by Deputy Head of Unit for Regional Cooperation and Programmes in Directorate General Enlargement, Kyartan Björnsonn.
Europe Day events of this year highlighted the importance of peace, unity and solidarity and youth were encouraged to voice their vision due to the European Year of Youth. Events included concerts, performances, child activities, youth workshops and various EU supported project stands.